Preparing for our final exam

I've posted the questions for the final exam (the handout from class) on our Angel site, in case anyone needs it. I've also included the list of people who said they may want to get a study group together. If anyone wants to add themselves to the list, I'll set it up so that you can.

Remember to bring your list of blog posts/comments to the final exam session if you didn't hand it in yesterday!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Session 2

Hello Everyone!

Here are some guidelines for preparing for next session. If you have any questions, post them as a comment and I'll respond publicly so that others can benefit as well!

Introduction to Children's and Adolescent Literature:

  • Chapter 1, G &C: Children's Literature Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
  • Some weeks I'll offer questions or make suggestions that might guide or focus your reading. This week, however, I would like you to come prepared to discuss 3-4 big ideas or questions you have about this chapter and/or the blogging articles. (Remember to record or mark pages so that you can direct us to the text!)
  • If you have trouble getting the readings in time to prepare for session 2: I have posted chapter 1 and the articles on Angel. (One is a large file--sorry!) This will be the only week that I do this, so make sure you get the text!
  • The Suen (2006) and Bird (2007) articles provide an introduction to blogging and its place in the world of children's literature. Choose one of these articles to read. Check out some of the children's literature blogs that they mention!
  • If you want more general information on blogs, you might also check out the wikipedia entry on blogging.
  • Follow the directions on the last page of the syllabus to respond to my email "invite" to become a contributer to the blog!
  • Next session we'll spend some more time talking about the role the blog will have in our classroom community and trouble shooting any problems people encounter!
Angel website:
  • Check that you have access to our Angel website. Email me if you don't.
  • Print the syllabus, which you'll find under the "Lessons" tab.
  • Complete the "Getting to Know You Survey", also under the Lessons tab.

Wow! This is a lot to do, but I think that it will set us up for a good semester! (And, if it makes people feel better, this isn't a typical week's assignment!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Session 1


In advance of each session I'll write a short post that describes how you might prepare for that session.

For session 1, we'll:
  • Do introductions
  • Talk about course expectations
  • Share landmark books from our lives
  • Read aloud and discuss a "classic" children's book
  • Guest: Scott from Everybody Reads
To prepare for class:
  • Read the email that Dr. Laura Apol sent that talks about ordering books for the course. If you didn't receive it, there's a copy posted under the "Lessons" tab of our Angel site
  • Retrieve the syllabus from the "Lessons" tab of Angel. Print a copy of the syllabus to bring to class.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Welcome to TE 348!

Welcome to TE 348: Reading and Responding to Children's and Adolescent Literature! We'll use this blog as a form of communication and archive of our work.

If you are curious how this might look, check out the TE 348 blog from spring semester.

This will be a community blog, which means that everyone in sections 002 and 003 will be able to post and comment. More on this later!