Preparing for our final exam

I've posted the questions for the final exam (the handout from class) on our Angel site, in case anyone needs it. I've also included the list of people who said they may want to get a study group together. If anyone wants to add themselves to the list, I'll set it up so that you can.

Remember to bring your list of blog posts/comments to the final exam session if you didn't hand it in yesterday!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Daily Reading Challenge!

If you haven't checked out the "Daily Reading" description on page 8 of the syllabus, here it is! Although we aren't going to do this as a formal assignment, I encourage everyone to participate:

Many teachers ask students to set aside time for independent reading, whether that be in the classroom setting as part of Sustained Silent Reading (S.S.R.) or Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) program or at home. The goal is to provide students with opportunities to select and read books for pleasure.

In this spirit, I will be asking each of you to set aside 30 minutes each day to read children’s or adolescent literature. (I will be participating as well!) Although you are welcome to keep track of what you are reading for your own benefit, this assignment is ungraded. Think of this as an “excuse” to settle in with a good book! (Imagine saying to your roommate, "I can’t help with the dishes right now, I’m doing my homework!")

Throughout the semester we will have class discussions about how we are selecting books and what is challenging or rewarding about this type of regular reading. As we come across books we enjoy, we’ll also have the chance to share titles with each other informally in class discussion and/or through our blog. As time permits, we may also discuss the growing number of informal book clubs and social networking sites which provide opportunities to find, share, and discuss children’s literature.

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