Preparing for our final exam

I've posted the questions for the final exam (the handout from class) on our Angel site, in case anyone needs it. I've also included the list of people who said they may want to get a study group together. If anyone wants to add themselves to the list, I'll set it up so that you can.

Remember to bring your list of blog posts/comments to the final exam session if you didn't hand it in yesterday!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Session 4: Where the Wild Things Are discussion

In next week's session we'll be having our first small group literature discussion!

  • Read Where the Wild Things Are. (I would suggest you read it several times. I usually do my first read "just for pleasure" and then do more careful reads.)
  • If you don't know, check the list on Angel to see what letter you have been assigned. Then check the schedule to see what response role you will be taking on for the book.
  • Refer to the syllabus for a description of your role and write a response. Those who are assigned artistic response need to create a response and write a paper. Those who are assigned intertextual response need to look for one or more other "texts" to bring to their reading of WtWTA.
  • For those who are doing Textual, Critical, or Intertextual responses, submit your papers to the Angel dropbox by 6 pm the night BEFORE class meets. To clarify, you should upload your paper as an attachment. The attachment should be labeled according to the directions in the syllabus. Do NOT cut an paste your paper in the box!
  • For those who are doing Artistic or Personal/Facilitator responses, remember that you need to bring your work to class as well, even though you'll be submitting parts 1 and 2 of your papers the following week.
  • Everyone should bring a hard copy of your paper to class for reference and to give to your facilitator.
  • Don't forget that you need to post or comment during the first 5 weeks of class!
Finally, please read and bring your copy of "Accountable Talk" (in the coursepack) to class!

Next week we'll share our responses in our small groups, debrief with the whole class, and watch a video that shows what literature circles might look like in the classroom.

Comment on this post with your questions as they occur to you! If you have a more particular question, please email me!


Anonymous said...

For the personal response role do we have to turn in part 1 of the paper before Tuesday's class or do we wait until we turn in part 2?

Valerie W. said...

First, thanks for asking on the blog so that everyone can see the answer!

You need to bring part 1 to class for reference, but you submit both parts at the same time NEXT week. (In other words, you don't post anything before Tuesday's class.)

EricaR said...

Also, do we need our literature and the child books for class this week? Could you maybe tell us when to and when not to bring them to class? It looks like we don't need it this week in class from the agenda, but I'm just making sure. Thanks so much!

Valerie W. said...

As a rule of thumb, bring whatever readings that are assigned (textbook, coursepack, literature, etc.)