Preparing for our final exam

I've posted the questions for the final exam (the handout from class) on our Angel site, in case anyone needs it. I've also included the list of people who said they may want to get a study group together. If anyone wants to add themselves to the list, I'll set it up so that you can.

Remember to bring your list of blog posts/comments to the final exam session if you didn't hand it in yesterday!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Session 13: The Invention of Hugo Cabret and Looking Back on the Course

This semester has felt like it has flown by for me, so I was a little surprised to realize this week that we will be meeting for our last regular session next week! Here are a couple of suggestions for preparing for this last class:
  • We'll have our last small group book discussion on The Invention of Hugo Cabret. I realize that this is a busy time of the year, but please give yourself the time to savor it! I would strongly suggest using post-its or another method to mark passages and/or illustrations that seem interesting or significant to you. For those doing 1-part papers, remember to submit your papers either by 6 pm Monday night.
  • During the second half of class I'll provide you with a copy of the questions that will be on the final exam and we'll spend some time preparing together. Please bring your C&G textbook to use in this activity.
  • You are welcome to hand in your blogging log (last page of syllabus) either on Tuesday or on the day of the final exam. (Although I strongly suggest that you get it out of the way!)
  • We'll also be hearing about several authors from students doing Honors Projects!
I'm looking forward to discussing The Invention of Hugo Cabret! This will be the first time we've used this book in the course, so I'm anxious to hear what you think of it!


Ashleigh L. said...

I really liked The Invention of Hugo Cabret. I have never read many books like this one so it was an nice introduction to this style of books. I loved the illustrations and especially that because they were in black in white. I thought that the drawings added to the effect of the words and the story. I liked the way that the drawings switched to real life pictures when the author was talking about the films.

I was also wondering what do we have to turn in for our blog sheets. Do we just have to write the day and time that we wrote on this wall?

Valerie W. said...

You'll record your blogging on the last page of the syllabus. (There's an example provided. Just provide as much information as you can.)

Anonymous said...

In the syallbus it says that everyone has to participate in on-line discussion...what is that?

Valerie W. said...

The online discussion is this blog!

Eric said...

The book Hugo Cabret was a great and unique novel. I really enjoyed the way that the author tried to make it look somewhat like a silent movie reflecting Georges Miles career as a movie maker. Great story