Preparing for our final exam

I've posted the questions for the final exam (the handout from class) on our Angel site, in case anyone needs it. I've also included the list of people who said they may want to get a study group together. If anyone wants to add themselves to the list, I'll set it up so that you can.

Remember to bring your list of blog posts/comments to the final exam session if you didn't hand it in yesterday!


Monday, November 24, 2008


Hey Everyone,
I am surprised that I have not logged onto the blog and seen something about the new Twilight movie and everyones' thought about it and relating it to the books.
Well I have only read the first book and LOVED it!!! My sister was reading it and I didn't think I would like it. Then it was brought up in class and my sorority sisters were talking about it so I borrowed it from my friend and couldn't put it down.
I went to the midnight showing of the movie and thought it was pretty good for a movie based on a book. It lacked a lot of details, but I didn't expect it to include that many after watching all the Harry Potter movies and Eragon movie after reading the books.
I feel that in many fantasy books there is a lot of detail included in the text to describe all the unnatural things that occur in the book. There is always so much going on when it comes to details in books it isn't always possible to include it all into a movie without being another 3 hour Lord of the Rings movie.
So what did everyone think about the movie and/or books. Please don't give any spoilers, because some of us have not read all the books.
- Priscila


Valerie W. said...

I'm waiting to see the movie until winter break. I have watched the trailers and have loved the scenery. I don't remember Bella and Edward climbing trees together, but the trailer had a beautiful shot of them in a tree that overlooked the valley.

Gina said...

I loved the books. I read them all at one time, except for the 4th one because it wasn't out yet when I read the first 3. I thought the movie did a pretty good job staying true to the book, with the exception of a few things. When I watch movies based on books I always try to ask myself, "would a person who had never read the books understand what's going on?"

Rachel Forstat said...

All I have to say is I'm obsessed with Edward! I've read all of the books and they hold such an amazing love story that I was really disappointed they didn't play more towards this in the movie, but i'm sure they were trying to relate the movie to a wide range of audiances, (like males for example) so i can see why they may have tried to branch out. Though i have to say, sitting in a theater of prodominatly 13 year old girls made me feel a little old :)

Anonymous said...

I did feel kind of old waiting in line to watch with movie too lol. I don't think that Edward and Bella ever went up a tree but it was something I think the director added to make it more interesting. I believe that when certain things are added or changed in movies compared to the book it is done to make it a little more interesting since there is the lack of words that describe what is going on in detail like there is in a book.

Megan G said...

I really enjoyed the movie. However, I felt the role of Bella could have been better casted. This could have simply been due to how I imagined her character when I read the book. I think it will be really exciting to see how much the book sales will jump in the next few weeks due to the Holidays and the popularity of the movie. I agree with you Priscilla, I did feel kind of old standing in line with all the high school girls, but it was so worth it.

Kristen Gee said...

I really enjoyed the movie and I read the first book about a year ago. I thought that they characters were different than I had imagined, but that happens alot with movies. There were some significant differences that I thought could have been added into the movie, but I guess that's what makes the movie different from the actual book. I normally do not like movies with books already with them, but I really enjoyed both and strongly recommend them. :)

K. Hutchinson said...

I just finished reading Twilight and am now on the second one. It took me a while to get into the first book, but once I kept getting further into it, I couldn't put it down. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I hope to find time during break to go see it! I look forward to seeing how well the movie does to portray the book. After talking to people, I have gathered that the movie does a nice job following the book. I guess I'll just have to see for myself.